Another Mike

Did he really? He just seemed to be playing a villain.

Mentioning Mike Eruzione….Seriously, what the hell year is it on this show.

Man, I miss the real Capn Murphy.

Well it was hot as hell outside.

Thought they'd go for a drug test, and then find out that The Pope does as much Heroin as Woodhouse.

Jesus! How many Orangutan gangs are there?!

The episode where Roger convinces him that he's adopted. He goes up to her and kisses the hell out of her.

Now that you mention it, a majority of the action Steve has gotten has been with family. Roger, Haley, Stan, he caught ick from Klaus… Hell even Francine.

lol "It stink down here."

Bad episode, to be honest; Can't pin that on the character, I think.

I fell in love with Principal Lewis when they told us he doesn't know how to say "Cocaine".

Baba likes him some Japanese girls.

I can't tell you how many times Rappin' Duke got me out of a jam…*flashback harp noise*

The real killer is probably a rabbit.

Someone on this show really likes that song.

I like that no one was murdered while Adam West was in jail, and then as soon as he was released, people started dropping like flies.

Feel like Lana getting fed up and quitting without thinking only makes sense if the mission is such bullshit.

Where the hell is American Dad.

@avclub-5182625d9db22ee7fba7b1acf3d429a9:disqus But think of how many languages would come together to say "What the fuck" before they turned to something else? That's my dream.

I want a rainbow of barely capable performers!