They explained Adam and Kristina's absence this week by someone saying they were off fundraising (in Sacramento, I think).
They explained Adam and Kristina's absence this week by someone saying they were off fundraising (in Sacramento, I think).
There is no "how kids with aspergers behave", not any more than for any kids in general. Max is a particular character, not the Emissary For All Things Autism. I'm sensitive to the fact that as the most prominent such character on TV right now, he ends up with that responsibility, but every character should be…
It's about damn time, Joel!
The headshot at the top of the article is the best The Flash has looked in real life ever.
Now I'm gonna start shipping for Amber and Oliver Rome to get together. Wasn't it just last season that Amber was the glue keeping the Luncheonette together? And now apparently they can't afford her so she's back to waiting tables. Let's get her and Oliver back to Lunch, Crosby can stop worrying, and Amber can get…
Totally agree. I'm way in the minority here, but I love Max's character, and tonight was a showcase for why.
Definitely the strongest episode this season. So much wordless emotion to take in! Crosby's eyes welling up at the bar when his dad says life is short. Kristina's eyes when Adam screws up by implying the scale of affection is fluid (best title of the year, BTW), and later when he says "he has to believe this is…
They already had The Absorbing Man on Agents of SHIELD. I know, the DC equivalent would be Amazing-Man, but close enough.
I hope your point is not that moms aren't superheroes.
I liked that one too.
Is it illegal for civilians to imprison a dead man?
Did Harrison Wells unambiguously kill Stagg last week? Seems like it'd be easy to reveal that he was just stabbing him with some 26th century version of a taser/sedative. I'm not at all sure that Wells will turn out to be evil, just setting up Barry for his "destiny."
I propose a test: 2 non-super-powered characters talking for an entire scene about something other than a super-powered character. No, wait…
SecretBastard, that's gotta be right. Good call. Not looking forward to it, though.
I suspect Ryan will arrive for the final show having straightened himself out to a much larger degree than ever before, and without any promise that Amber or the baby will take him back, so we'll see the possibility of a happy future for them post-show.
Julia's getting back with Joel. Go back to the scene where Zeek's eyes flutter open after surgery. The camera catches Julia specifically as she watches Camille put Zeek's ring back on his finger. They don't make those choices arbitrarily.
Nice to see that in Season 6 of Parenthood , Sarah has finally started acting like a parent.
Nit: all the kids entering the charter school were making eye contact with Kristina.
Good point, Summer!
Is it too much to hope for a Nora-Aida "girls night in" scene before we wrap?