
Everyone is all complaining about it being on their phones, rightfully so I suppose, but I actually listened to this and really enjoyed it. Not a U2 fan at all either.

I had no idea New Girl was back tonight. I'm ready for another season of Schmidt !

Watched this tonight for the first time since episode 3…still shit.

A ?! Holy shit, I can't wait to watch this later tonight.

Crisis adverted, I thought "Water" was the B review, carry on folks !

Can't wait for this.

It is pretty damn annoying. I hated everything that was popping up while TDKR was being filmed.

General consensus from this flick is that McAvoy is great but the movie sucks. It's on my HDD, I might watch it tonight.

"MasterChef (Fox, 8 p.m.): Season five of this show about cooking that isn’t Top Chef or MasterChef Junior starts tonight. We don’t know why they even have the adult one anymore because we were very, very fond of MasterChef Junior"

At least the first two episodes were funny. We'll always have that ?

Really ? That doesn't shock me at all..Fox isn't really good at promoting new shows. We'll see 12334342348 ads for American Idol though….



I'd hit them tits.


The friend with benefits actually isn't that bad. She's kind of one of those girls that could turn into something serious. Amy, however, needs to go away.

Interesting..understandable. But she was even kind of cold towards Zeek who obviously missed his wife.

The hot redheads are always the crazy ones. I love the character of Rebecca though, I hope they keep her around for a while. That last scene was pretty great.

I usually love Camille but she was really annoying this episode. After she handed the kids the candy or whatever you could tell she was like "*sigh*..now I gotta deal this shit again after enjoying Italy." So obvious she wants to leave, only a matter of time until the rest of the family figures out and shit hits the

I had a "Drew/Natalie/Amy" thing back in college. Definitely didn't end well for me.