What? Hitting a pregnant lady with a truck is the only way to test a theory! What kind of high-school science teacher did you have? Not a cool guy who spent hours rambling on about "the voices", I'll bet.
What? Hitting a pregnant lady with a truck is the only way to test a theory! What kind of high-school science teacher did you have? Not a cool guy who spent hours rambling on about "the voices", I'll bet.
Adam and Eve
Ever since the introduction of the timeskipping, I'v been wondering about the skeletal couple in the cave from season 1 and whether or not they're people we've already met. My money's on it being Desmond and Penny, because they just seem destined for tragedy.
Yeah, he's only been on for two episodes, but in this one alone he managed to burn off two cop show dickheaded boss cliches:
Yeah, he's only been on for two episodes, but in this one alone he managed to burn off two cop show dickheaded boss cliches:
I'm really starting to hope against hope that the writers just put Harris in so the team would have somebody to report to until Lance Reddick isn't so busy shooting scenes for Lost.
Nah, Darryl is what would happen if Lester and Bunk had a lovechild.
All I need now is for Michael Chiklis to storm in at random moments to press somebody's face against a stovetop.
Scott vs. Bell?
Somehow I know this is going to end with Michael hanging from a doorknob.
And then he'll break into our houses and mess up the place!
Yeah, Connect Four sounds about right.
Bush : NBC :: FEMA : New Orleans
That, or he could invade Iran, proving once and for all that he treats foreign policy like a game of Risk.
I know! He had many, many opportunities to preempt that garbage and he starts now? Dammit, Dubya, can you do nothing right?
This reminds me
of when Conan O'Brien showed off his custom Christmas ornament that showing the NBC peacock with it's head shoved up its ass.
Since you're a betting man, I'll see your Nabin and raise an epically drunk Noel Murray.
If I point out a failed firstie, does that count as a guilty pleasure. If so, mea culpa, mea culpa.
Best unnecessary exposition of the series
"You FLEW!
That wasn't ME, that was YOU!
You took the FORMULA!"
New Direction
Am I the only one interested in seeing how House would handle being in an actual semi-long term relationship. It would be fun to watch him react to all the old TV dating tropes (moving in together, suspicions of infidelity, etc.) with his usual pissy misanthropy.
Heroes drinking game
I think when I watch the next episode I'll make it more enjoyable by downing a shot each time Sylar switches from good to evil or vice versa. I expect to be passed out before the first commercial break.