
Isn't Owen Wilson in that

Jessica biel isn't bad in this.

I started watching nailed. With the amount of Dutch angle shots it's like an awful horror movie.

Giant days is the best comic I reading rn and you should all do your selves a favor and pick pick up.

Hi guys did you know there's a comic called we stand on guard and Its about America invading Canada


I'm actually kind of excited about the man from uncle.

Well let me know what issues your omnibus covers cause I've found issues for like a dollar.

Where are you visiting in Canada?

Nah but I see them all the time and I just never have money on me. Were you looking at omnibus or like a single volume?

Dude I'll look for some lone wolf and cub at flea markets for you.. They are everywhere.

No that aardman one about pirates pirates band of misfits?

Great well. Don't forget to elongate those rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs

I get the feeling reading some of the titles on unlimited will make them better cause not having having to wait for them and also the suck of putting up with delays.

I know I wasn't reading any of batman but then I ended up 3 out of 5 issues and was like what the hell a it drew me in so I'm now working my way through chronologically.

Are you reading any secret wars?

I loved court of the owls but city of the owls was a major let down. Jus picked up death of the family today, endgame was also great, can't wait to read zero year.

The GF is also super into wicked + divine so I just picked that up on amazon. I've heard good things about it.

I've fallen into Snyder and capullos batman and gosh Damn it's great.

I rewatched gone girl and I forgot how good gone girl is. I get this weird feeling from it like David Fincher was all set to phone it and he realized how good pike is and he turned it to max a directed the hell out of the movie. Tyler Perry is something else in this movie.