
An interview with Stephen Merchant and no mention of his incredible voice-work in Portal 2? For shame.

An interview with Stephen Merchant and no mention of his incredible voice-work in Portal 2? For shame.

It's not. Honestly.

It's not. Honestly.

And this is where I discover that Gillian Jacobs is G'illian (with a hard 'G'), not Jillian…

What I read:

Whilst GoT was on telly I was between homes, without a tv, and definitely without a Sky subscription (UK here). As a massive aSoIaF fan (read all the books,follow WiC.net etc) I resorted to piracy to view the show.

How did this article get all the way through without mentioning Babylon 5? The textbook example of 'novelistic' television and all the tribulations that come with it.

Wow, a surprising amount of this article is given over to the small negatives - this is a fantastic serial, one of Who's best. I would even go so far as to say that this is the quintessential Doctor Who story (or at least, quintessential of what I think Who should be). It's dense, dark, and showcases McCoys scheming

Would rather have more Community…

I see what you did there, special.

But there are no characters as sympathetic as Jonah Takalua.

I said puck you. With a 'p'. Don't you know how to spell or someshit?

shhhh…I know what you're talking about, and it's a moment that shouldn't be spoiled.

Same, 'tis why I am here to be honest - both shows I watched when they aired here in the UK. And, not to spoil anyone, but I like Luther a whole lot more ;)

This is unarguably a classic, Adams' writing sparkles, and Ward and Baker are at their collective best. The only downer for me is the disjointedness between the indoor and outdoor sections that almost becomes claustrophobic when we're confined to the soundstages.

Hmmm. I'm a little disappointed with these reviews. I mean, any coverage of Cowboy Bebop is great, but the analysis here is really lacking.

The title 'This Is The Way The World Ends' is a reference to T.S. Eliot's poem 'The Hollow Men', which climaxes with:

Doctor Who is full of fanwank (e.g. the Master/War Chief discussion), but I would mainly describe fanwank as overly complicating the discussion of minor production oversights, or fluffed continuity (temporal grace?).