
But what does this mean for The Movies 2?

I'm pretty amused by the fact that the oldest lie in America seems to keep changing with each new trailer

Gottfried *insisting* on bringing everything back to individual episodes of sitcoms nobody remembers made it work so crazy well; the riff about Woody Allen was so crazy great and so impromptu and so oddly niche but it was so reassuring to know that even though they're doing a more popular political Bernie/Trump thing

I wonder if anyone here in the comments section has anything they would like to say about him.

Watch This has been on fucking point lately. This movie is literally perfect.

Did you read anything I said? That has no bearing on anything. The Fox Rocky Horror Show project is a TV-movie.

No, several critics have seen it and logged it on Letterboxd and the like (and a certain Sims has put it on the top of his top of the year list already). Probably embargoed until later in the week though.

Yes, when ABBA won the Eurovision song contest.

Rocky Horror isn't live - it's a full-on TV Movie.

I love this movie, I love how he goes from being a misguided captain to being "no, we MUST go into the storm to die" at the drop of a hat, it's so great, movies featuring climactic boat crash sequences are the best.

gone too soon

It's a TV show with jokes after Seinfeld and the Office made it cool for comedy shows to not have jokes. It's not alone but its commitment to radical, high-concept comedy week after week makes it commendable.

It was only found literally the best Dr Who story ever by fan consensus in Dr Who magazine.

Gee this sure doesn't seem to suggest a 180-degree-turn-in-tone-from-negative-reception-to-first-trailer.

I sure wish there were a site which regularly posted every week for every show with important recaps and sometimes clips for sketch comedy programs like this where it could discuss the bits worth seeing for those who missed it

But they weren't the principal antagonists, simply the first-act-of-season bad guys that turns out was actually working for evil American businessmen that may or may not be Jack's dad.

I don't mean to alarm you but Season 2 did not have Muslim bad guys, nor did Season 6 really.

This show feels exactly like the Netflix showmaking computer has finally got around to one just for me.

I miss 24.

Well, he was Vice President at the time, so it's slightly less ridiculous.