Kid Dada

Aggressive blandness plus entitlement: a winning combination. After an episode of bitchy stinkface, I was happy to see her leave. 

She's serving fungal growth realness!

It's such a vague complaint as to be useless. Hopefully Jinkx can do something with it.

We did start out with 14 queens, which is 1 more than in previous seasons, so maybe he was planning for this? Not neccessarily for these queens, but these queens definitely deserved it with that feeble lip-sync.  And it should be a shot in the ass for the rest of them.

Gaga is the all-time worst, because she has been the worst more than once.

I look forward to Jinkx being told for the remainder of her time on the show that she should be more glamorous. Fucking Michelle.

That bitch is pure Chicken of the Sea, telling us she's sashimi-grade. Sorry Charlie, I'm saving my wasabi for someone tastier!

Why do you care?

There are ads for both Immortalized and the ASPCA on this page. Make up your minds, damn it!

Plus her character brought both "Freaks" and Kids in the Hall to mind, and that is never a bad thing.

I'd be more interested if she looked like THE Tick.  "SPOON, hunty!"

See, I haven't even been paying attention to that particular plot close enough to have a rebuttal. I suspect it would involve stinkface.

You're always here in spirit, though, we know that!

I appreciate that, but we're now like Coco and Alyssa, OK? I expect that every time you read one of my posts, you will roll your eyes and make snarky comments, because that is exactly what I'll do when I read yours. And then everyone will want to boot us from this comments section because we're so wearying. ARE YOU

Wait, this show gets a letter grade?? I hadn't noticed because letter grades are completely irrelevant.


Also: we've been talking about how Alyssa and Coco's feud seems kind of fake, but if you wanted to guarantee airtime/a spot in the final three, you could do a lot worse than faking a romance with another contestant. Particularly since it isn't a storyline that we've seen on this show before.  Even if the feelings are

I think both Roxxxy and Detox will be in the top three, and I suspect that Roxxxy will win. She has personality without being off-putting, and she's purdy. And while she's not my favorite, I'd be ok with this, although I'm sure some moron would start going on about her being the first "plus-size" winner.  Not sure who

For Sharon, I also have a feeling that might have been because she didn't think she had a holy chance in hell of winning.  As it became clear that she definitely had a shot, she seemed to rein that in a bit, trying to serve the girly glamour that some of the judges kept asking for.

Lineysha will go away, and then fucking Michelle and Santino will waste their chance to bring a contestant back on her, because that is what they do. And RuPaul will immediately sashay her ass out the door again in the same episode, because that is what she does.