When it finally happens, we can't say there weren't signs!
When it finally happens, we can't say there weren't signs!
When it finally happens, we can't say there weren't signs!
"…and a guest verse provided by Brian Eno's jacket."
"…and a guest verse provided by Brian Eno's jacket."
Make sure to hide her feet, too.
Make sure to hide her feet, too.
Anybody else think it's a bit sad that Alaska only got on after Sharon was so successful in season 4? Is there any way that Alaska could live up to that?
Anybody else think it's a bit sad that Alaska only got on after Sharon was so successful in season 4? Is there any way that Alaska could live up to that?
I don't always agree with Michelle — she really likes her fish — but I agree: Santino is the much weaker judge for me. Not that I think either of them will be replaced. They cause conflict and hand-wringing among the contestants, which makes for compelling TV. And that's a role that Ru isn't able or willing to play.
I don't always agree with Michelle — she really likes her fish — but I agree: Santino is the much weaker judge for me. Not that I think either of them will be replaced. They cause conflict and hand-wringing among the contestants, which makes for compelling TV. And that's a role that Ru isn't able or willing to play.
It was really just Madlibs with all the filled in words being slang for women's anatomy, wasn't it? Yeah, that definitely seemed kind of stale and played out.
It was really just Madlibs with all the filled in words being slang for women's anatomy, wasn't it? Yeah, that definitely seemed kind of stale and played out.
I can see reading an ongoing comic about Rujubee's characters. I do not see myself asking the comic store to pull "Fire Crotch and Lactasia."
I can see reading an ongoing comic about Rujubee's characters. I do not see myself asking the comic store to pull "Fire Crotch and Lactasia."
I always like it when the queens breakdown onstage, because it just makes Santino so damn uncomfortable. Emotions are his kryptonite.
I always like it when the queens breakdown onstage, because it just makes Santino so damn uncomfortable. Emotions are his kryptonite.
Shannel really did look like a Rob Liefeld character. Which is why Shad should have lost WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE.
Shannel really did look like a Rob Liefeld character. Which is why Shad should have lost WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE.
I can't remember another LSFYL where I ended up crying just watching it. As big a mess as this season has been, this is exactly the sort of thing I was hoping for. Who knew Raven even HAD emotions?
I can't remember another LSFYL where I ended up crying just watching it. As big a mess as this season has been, this is exactly the sort of thing I was hoping for. Who knew Raven even HAD emotions?