E-Ron Butterfly

This show succeeds to me for the simplest and strongest of reasons: it is INTERESTING. I watch it and I honestly don't know what's going to happen next. It has a tone that's entirely uncategorizable, like many of the movies and TV shows that have subsequently become part of the New Cult Canon.

I'm fairly sure the first list is more accurate, since I was born in 1979 and always thought I was the last year of Gen X. (The last of us turn 30 this year…so much for the disaffected youth.)


Oh, lordy. This is going to enter the A.V. lexicon(devil) like FUCK THE FUCK YEAH.

I mean - who hasn't thought: HOLY SHIT ORANGES ARE A FUCKING HASSLE

It's the dedication and the way that some of his comments hit the nail right on the head in a very pithy and - dare I say - eloquent way.

ZMF is back on Twitter!

I miss the peanut butter Clif bars. Can't get them anywhere after the whole contamination scare. Dumb alarmists, interfering with my snack food!

Who knows, maybe Miller has been trying to draw a booty like Beyonce's for 30 years.

Do you seriously think Eva has a better caboose than Beyonce? Shame on you.


Merk, are you drunk?

If this happens, I'm coming after you, Josh, to make you pay for giving YouTube this idea. You will PAY, I tell you… PAAAAYYY!

Good god, you're right. Now when I start laughing at the convenience store, I will blame you.

Kayne at Bonaroo seems like a mismatch of artist and venue. Isn't that concert mostly a campsite for the great masses of unwashed DMB-lovers?

Hm. I see upon closer reading that ILTESTE (the spanish testicle?) referenced SNL in his above post. I'd contradict him by positing that SNL killed the meme instead of popularizing it. Yes, really.

I think SNL killed it when Seth & Amy introduced a segment called "Really?" on Weekend Update. The "skit" was basically the two of them repeating the word "Really?" ad nauseum in response to some mildly surprising / asinine piece of news.

Vugialae: Your comment was more worthless than Phel's. She was expressing enthusiasm; you were expressing tired, sarcastic, bandwagon antagonism.

Yeah, somehow I think that sexual harassment suits don't get filed very often by actresses on Hollywood sets. Not the way to get yourself more work, honey. Better just to submit to Steven Seagal's "casting couch."