I'm fairly certain this was forced upon him, Infinite went way over budget and I think lost a decent amount of money.
I'm fairly certain this was forced upon him, Infinite went way over budget and I think lost a decent amount of money.
Eh, we probably owned those countries at some point anyway
I kind of find Madoka to be a tad overrated. For me it's essentially 2 fantastic A grade episodes surrounded by a B grade show. It's not bad but it feels like it takes a long time to get going and it wraps up rather abruptly. I liked a lot about it but ultimately I only really loved the flashback episode and the…
I agree that graphic novel gets misused but I tend to think it refers to comics that are brought out in book form (as opposed to Watchmen which is a miniseries). I know the term is often misused by insecure people from the "comics aren't for kids anymore" camp but I think it's a valid name for a certain kind of form.
The Channel 4 show was ok but there's not really much in the way of compelling stuff other than gay Robb Stark. I don't really know why they remade it and on USA of all channels.
No the first Graphic Novel was published, everyone is looking for the second unpublished manuscript
I think they ordered a bunch of book adaptations after the success of Game of Thrones but most of it never got made. It's mostly annoying because I'd rather see Fincher make an original show rather than adapting another show I've already seen.
But it is a graphic novel, if you've seen the show you'd know that it wasn't serialised in comic book form but was instead published in a single volume.
Yeah exactly, the best HBO shows aren't adaptations. I mean I like Game of Thrones but honestly I'm not sure how well it actually works as a show.
They've also got another book adaptation of the Leftovers coming up, although I think their American Gods series fell through.
I agree that there wasn't much depth but I think the characters where nuanced and interesting and the plot was enjoyably twisty. Sure it was kind of a mash up from various comic book and conspiracy stories but honestly considering the weak state of British drama at the moment it was nice to have something that wasn't…
Is there some kind of rule that HBO dramas can only be remakes of existing properties? Utopia was one of my favourite shows of last year but to be honest I'm not particularly interested in seeing it again except with more tits and less school shootings.
Because the majority of the BBC's shows aren't actually that marketable to a niche cable station. Still it'd be pretty funny if they started broadcasting the One Show or Springwatch.
And what's more American than criticising your government?
I was fairly skeptical of the new Ms Marvel book, mostly because I was worried it would be another book that coasted along on the fact it has a non-standard lead without doing anything interesting. However I think that the character's Islamic faith actually does make a difference to the story and I'll be interested to…
…Said Ripley to the Android Bishop
And it receives the C grades it deserves
I enjoy Questionable Content as a psychoanalysis of the author, the relationship he seems to have with women and his parents could fill a mildly interesting article.
Discredited, but if you called it the war of the three kingdoms to an Englishman they wouldn't know what you were talking about.
Eh, at the moment it's fairly episodic, I think it probably works better watching weekly. My enjoyment of Samurai Champloo was tempered by the fact there wasn't much of a central narrative and so it got repetitive watching it back to back.