Narodnaya Volya

They're including people of colour? Hopefully this means we get the green lady from star trek and blue Tobias turning up in Mereen.

Sorry, but with a few exceptions that's what the show has always been about. The only difference is that they lost the tongue in cheek element that allowed them to get away with the melodrama.

Man of Steel wasn't pretty great, it was a great trailer with some great ideas that turned out an incoherent mess

Also known as everyone who comments on tv articles not living in America or Canada.

I know this is a joke, but I disagree that Fuller can do as he pleases. I mean he can make the show how he wants, but pulling the episode then only making it available through paid download was not a cool move.

From that page I assume the comic is about the daily life of a redditor

The showrunner was a key player in Lost, make of that what you will.

Eh, I dislike Y more for being a completely unearned gutpunch right at the end. Ex Machina was more up front that things were not going to go well for any of the characters.

Things I expect from BKV: Witty dialogue, great cliffhangers and vaguely disappointing endings.

Hey, the graphic novel (like 90% if anything Millar writes) was terrible but the film itself was pretty good. Not amazing or anything but it was entertaining and a good adaptation of a problematic source.

What has that got to do with anything? I'm distantly Irish but I don't go up to black people and tell them how I get how they feel because "my people suffered in the famine"

There is no second lingua franca in Europe, English is just too dominant. German is fairly widely spoken in Scandinavia, Eastern and Central Europe, while French is a major language in Southern Europe. Spanish isn't widely spoken here. French is used a bit, but I'd assume diplomatically it would mostly be used in

Sorry but at what point do the cast of Friends fail to realise their privilege? I guess you're referring to Girls, but just because other people have a harder life doesn't take away their own right to complain.

I understand the whole frustration with how the word is used, but the concept of the friend zone itself isn't bad. I think the problem is that people use the friend zone as a criticism (how dare this woman not be attracted to me etc.) rather than just a description of a type of relationship.

Paul Feig, director of Bridesmaids and absolutely nothing else noteworthy or well loved

But pre cancellation devoted an entire episode to napster. Futurama has always had cultural references that date quickly.

Having two games of the same franchise in your top ten? C'mon this is video game top ten 101 here

Tahmoh Penikett (Helo) is in it as well, for about 1 second I think. I assume he had a scene cut or something

I'd think it'd be more likely that people cover up their copy of the Fountainhead with a Hunger Games book jacket

Does tv tropes still have the weird troper tales section? I remember there being a vast entry dedicated to people's porn collection.