Core Concept

I'll see your This and raise you That:

"It doesn't matter what you wear, as long as you are there…
That's what many people are saying.
So many people…"


The Police album?

It's not even a bumper sticker.

Wait, which step is "boobies"?

Look, I only clicked on the article because it looked like there was nude gal doing yoga on a Lite-Brite.
Now I see she is, in fact, NOT nude…?!?


Godspeed, little doodle!

What if they speed up the film, like Babe Ruth circling the bases?

Was he the dancing gal in "Rear Window"…?

I'll wager dollars to doughnuts that she has a potty mouth and and is partial to food.

That may have been a typo… pretty damn sure he meant "whining."

We're gonna need a bigger boak.

FDA = Food & Drug Administration…(?)

That's just what he wants us to think…!

Perhaps the internet loathes you…

Any major votes scheduled before "broke-ing"…?

Wait, so is the Senate still in session or did they (finally) go on August recess?

Should put that on a fucking red hat…