Core Concept

R.I.P. and insincerest condolences to his family & friends.

Remember Game 6 of the 2002 World Series?

Babe Ruth points to center field, nods in agreement.

I looked at it last time, dammit!

But that's not covered under Obamacare!

Well, he should've done even more.
Could've created an entire new staff for such purposes, hired someone to be the face of such an on-going PR campaign (in the same way that Sebelius wound up as the face of that disastrous website launch).


Good point.
She's more of a Japanese body pillow made from bleached-blond fecal matter.

Dusty has one hell of a crappy record in key playoff games.
( Which is why I would not bet on the Nats this year to make it to the World Series. )

I'll always hate Cubs fans for the completely shitty way that treated this poor dope.
They singled him out as if he was some horrible aberration of a baseball fan.
Yes, he was reaching up for the foul ball… just like EVERY OTHER PERSON in that section of the stands was!


I'm just surprised that anyone gives a shit about her in the first place.

Actually, that illustrates one of the biggest regrets I have about Obama:
He didn't effectively spread the word about the benefits of the ACA to the masses.
They should've set aside a hell of a lot more $$$ for P.R. purposes.

No and no.

Look at the entire state of Alaska.

Cousin Oliver lasted longer than this putz.

So they're Roger Corman and Ed Wood?


McCain's definitely back in AZ, right…. getting treatment?

"Flame ON!"