Core Concept

Thanks for the Jentleson link: the vote-a-rama thingy sounds like and intriguing aspect of all this… a potential embarrassment for Repubs:

How soon after the "Motion to Proceed" would you expect them to hold the final vote?

Look, AV Club, we get it: you're in the pocket of "Big Ikea."

It's always a good time to complain.

Accepting the award for Marlon Brando will be Sacheen Littlefeather…

Just like Shakespeare!

So sorry, Your Excellency!

… It happened!


Well, they interviewed Gallagher that one time…

I'm not sure what this is… but you definitely deserve it. I think.

Damn straight.

"Who knows what adventures they'll have between now and the time the show becomes unprofitable?"


Yes, Other Crow… yes, it should have.

You can just say "Bo and Luke Duke."

Also, when calling senators, it's good to remind them of how excessively thorough the process was for the ACA:
a) almost 100 bipartisan hearings
b) 25 consecutive days of floor debate
[ both stats jotted down from an Al Franken speech clip ]

Fun Fact:
Alan Alda's childhood dog was named "Rhapsody" (because his dad had starred in the movie).

Just to be clear:
The Tuesday vote is [a] the vote to proceed, or [b] the vote to pass the dang bill itself?

Nah, Pete just said it in a later-season episode (Season 7, probably) when he was in an uncharacteristically good mood.