Core Concept

For that, they charge you $4.99 for the first minute, $2.99 per minute thereafter.

Having her as his running-mate did not prove beneficial.
He lost the 2008 presidential election. Badly.
I don't have a source at the ready for this claim… but it was in most of the papers.

Shut up, Woodhouse.



"Stewardess? I speak dolphin cooch."

At least get a damn cup of coffee or drink or something.

"Fred Garvin, Male Prostitute!"

"……….. Courage!"

That same film made me want to be Sgt. Pepper.

But Trump wants to abolish Old Glory Insurance!

"Now you tell me!"
— your mother

Do it tomorrow: they'll never expect that!

I'm Brandon Human, and I'm enjoying some good-natured ribbing with one of my many new fellow-contestants here at the University of Jeopardy!…"

"Your honor, Your Honor."

( Who said that? )

Gloryholes ain't what they used to be.

Just like Tapeheads!

It was practically A Sure Thing.