Core Concept

"Okay, why a duck?"

Exactly. It's the total points combined in a game.

The only hard part was remembering her first name (and how to spell it).


Because, in a sane House of Reps, they would've moved onto other, more pressing business.

Just emailed both of my senators tonight. ( And, as a show of tactical restraint, I did not call either one of them a "corporate whore" …. although, let's be honest — that's exactly what they are. )

Would have bet money that all 3 would've gotten this FJ correct.

That's the Hokey Pokey!

"Pee pee? You're soaking in it!"

"The Joan Wilder ?!?"

More of a cautionary tale, really.

Preferably, said while motor-boating.


You make the poor cat wear a little mask, don't you?

( Heh heh heh! Sweet, sweet vindication for "Core Clever "…! )

"The Doobie Brothers broke up? Shiiiiiiiiiiit….!"

( Your mileage may vary. )

These bastards at the A.V. Club think we'll endlessly debate anything — whatever irrelevant crap they toss before us to devour, like a pack of famished wolves!