give us your Madonnas, your Paltrows. Just please, for fuck's sake, keep Piers Morgan.
give us your Madonnas, your Paltrows. Just please, for fuck's sake, keep Piers Morgan.
Stop saying that Phaedra, of course he's the fucking farmer!
"Hawaii is a former leper colony on top of an active volcano where the disappointing ending to Lost was filmed."
I loved that psych evaluation. The horrified expression on the shrink's face as Ronnie cheerfully explains his violent dystopian fantasy was priceless.
One of my favourite comedies of all time. My favourite exchange in the movie:
"i know this seems weird, and there's a goat involved,which you're probably not used to. "
this is great news for Andy Serkis. He's been seen practicing his horsey mannerisms in front of a mirror.
it wasn't just you. I couldn't follow the last episode at all. between Dustin Hoffman's mumbling, Nick Nolte's grumbling and all those horses a-tumblin'.
spoiler alert!
Yeah, the second season was a big disappointment.
However, I'd advise anyone thinking of dropping this to wait until the Christmas special which was just terrific.
Thank you! I thought I was the only one who thought this way.
Back in the 80's we had ballroom dancing and talent shows on English TV, and they were consigned to very late night midweek slots, where no-one watched them. We had agreed as a culture that was some niche bullshit worthy of no real attention.
How the fuck…
"Thank you all for being here, let's get started."
"Wow, great attitude ron!"
"Sorry, I was talking to these ribs."
you americans sure like throwing 'round the word "inbred". specially for a country that produces so many banjo-pluckin' sister-rapin' pig-fuckers.
I was wondering why the price of external hard drives had gone up. are you telling me it's down to flooding in Thailand?
Definitely. I liked this pilot. It was a little tough to follow but I got a feel for the characters and it looked amazing.
Ms richards made me laugh pretty hard tonight:
deadwood, friday night lights, the wire, mad men, breaking bad.
one of these things is not like the other!
I really tried watching the corny football show but it bored the tits off me. It was like dawson's creek- melodramatic and super-earnest. the characters were silly and the dialogue was awful.
hey that was me!
I really enjoyed this episode, Amy and Sheldon in their pretzel/lederhosen costumes were adorable. Non-demanding, non-meta, non-genre-bending fun.
my only criticism this episode: not enough champion. I love that dog.
the final scene with Emmet and Melody was pretty surprising. "I'm moving in with Dad"
Didn't see that coming!