
I'd like to blow on Bunny Lebowski's toes

tom clancy just threw up in his mouth

bill burr
bill does a weekly podcast called "The Monday morning podcast" featuring an hour of his bilious ranting.

Bloody French, they're not content with murdering our Princess, now they want to challenge Clarke Kent's rightful claim to the British throne. Superman is a Englishman, appointed by God, annointed with marmite!

there was some great character development this ep. I love the idea of young Sheldon enduring strict training to be a southern gentleman with all that entails.

word nerd
"He is the prototype of the male nerd; he is the nerds from "Homer Goes To College" given flesh."

curmudgeons! i know lots of people excited over here in Blighty. It's a national holiday when these two chinless wonders get hitched, coupled with a regular bank holiday on monday makes this a 4 day weekend!
Isn't that something worth celebrating?
Sorry if you new world types have to work on friday, maybe next time

petulant colonial serfs! kneel before wills

i liked leslie underselling herself for her dating profile then anne's positive spin:

ball kicking
am i the only one who finds it disturbing how lightly tv comedies treat the subject of women kicking men in the testicles?
This is not the first time it's happened on this show.

if anyone's interested..
this is what it's supposed to look like:

as a briton this may be treasonous but christ can you imagine how awful a UK version of this show would be?
Leslie would have been date raped by Louis ck. April would be cutting herself and Jerry would go postal at the season finale with a chainsaw.

she's very hot but her voice bugs me. she does that thing where each sentence ends in a croak.

number nine.

i recently stumbled across a description of the episode after next of parks and rec and it explained how they will be keeping rob lowe around.
i couldn't bring myself to spoil it for everyone but if you must know…

you guys don't know how lucky you are
in other less fortunate parts of the world we are deprived the chance to tackle these estimable savories.
i remember reading about the kfc "double down" sandwich on the internet and how it would not be available outside of north america.
The decsription of this sandwich gave me a

I just heard the episode where they spend some time in the Writer's room of "the onion" discussing which headlines make it and which ones don't. very funny stuff.

i too have a mindless job that allows me to listen to podcasts all day. here are some of my favourites that haven't been mentioned for you to try:

yes! greg's podcast is the best.
a lot of comedians do their best to avoid "burning" their act on these podcasts. greg has so much funny stuff to say on such a huge array of topics he can afford to give away what amounts to a free stand-up set every week or so.

all these 'shipping references were confusing me so i googled the term.