
I'd love to be able to watch individual events instead of the primetime package, but the streaming hasn't worked for more than a minute out of every hour for me yet. And not everyone has the luxury to tune in to the web or a cable channel during the day when the NBC networks cram their favorite sport in.

I'll be honest, I'm giving the episode an A for the simple reason that it gave the reviewer a setup for a Longmire joke. Now that's entertainment!

I'll be honest, I'm giving the episode an A for the simple reason that it gave the reviewer a setup for a Longmire joke. Now that's entertainment!

@avclub-64f027640f63616a277e92096313264f:disqus Yeah, you should just get up and quietly leave and not say anything, just like this black man who stood up and interrupted Patton Oswalt's set to tell him why he wasn't going to listen anymore and who Oswalt remembers fondly now for having a hand in changing his shitty

@avclub-64f027640f63616a277e92096313264f:disqus Yeah, you should just get up and quietly leave and not say anything, just like this black man who stood up and interrupted Patton Oswalt's set to tell him why he wasn't going to listen anymore and who Oswalt remembers fondly now for having a hand in changing his shitty

I'm still trying to figure out why Carolla thinks The View is a comedy showcase to hold up as an example in the first place. It's a national coffee klatch and softball PR pitch factory, not an open mic at UCB.

I'm still trying to figure out why Carolla thinks The View is a comedy showcase to hold up as an example in the first place. It's a national coffee klatch and softball PR pitch factory, not an open mic at UCB.

@avclub-91546109eaf110327d50b0955865712a:disqus That was how I read it and it really deflated the rest of the episode for me. If anything, it just wasn't goofy enough to elevate it out of offensiveness.

@avclub-91546109eaf110327d50b0955865712a:disqus That was how I read it and it really deflated the rest of the episode for me. If anything, it just wasn't goofy enough to elevate it out of offensiveness.

Barristan, Oberyn Martell, and Gregor.

Barristan, Oberyn Martell, and Gregor.

Beastie Boys dragged this white-bread 80s girl kicking and screaming into hip-hop appreciation and being conscientious and aware of the wider world both. Fuck cancer.

During her livetweet tonight, Yvette Nicole Brown said that we'd hear about cancel/renew on the 14th.

I'm still scarred by the switch from high school to middle-aged Winkerbeaning through the revelation that Funky had been poring over old scrapbooks (yearbooks? photo albums? It was scarring but not all that memorable apparently) filled with his teenage comic hijinks.

It makes me want a burrito.

There are dozens of us! DOZENS.

Man, another one I really liked once I gave it a shot! (Seriously: who is in charge of NBC's promos department, and how long have they been on another network's payroll?)

Point me to your fantasy season kickstarter, I am ready to sign up.

@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus I knew there was a reason you deserved to be SVP of Twink Wrangling and Kick-Ass Theorizing.

I love finding more people who are as discerning a reader as I am. The only clue I ever picked up was a steaming hot slice of Frey pie.