ricin beans

Lemongrab always makes me laugh, although the actual Lemongrab episode this year was one of the weaker episodes.  The Lemongrab grayble was hilarious and terrifying but "Mystery Dungeon" will remain the defining Lemongrab moment for me.  Tree Trunks was great in that one too, even though I'm not always crazy about her

I feel like Sally and Glen both have really limited ranges, although Sally is in the show enough that the writers and directors have figured out how to use her effectively.  A lot of people have mentioned her smile after Glen punches Rollo, but I also liked her winsome snicker/nose curl in response to "you like

CB isn't evil, just mindlessly destructive.  Peppermint Butler is evil.

I don't think that if Kristen Schaal was on every animated series, I would ever get tired of hearing her.

There was also a funny little "cold hearted Peebles" moment:

My grandmother, who was the least racist old person I ever met, used the word negro (and it's even more discomfiting variation, "nigra").

A hick from West Virginia learning another language?  Impossible.

I knew it was a shotgun, but a shotgun to the face can be plenty fatal.  Especially at that range.

Rollo was a dick but does that mean Glen deserves to be lied to and manipulated into fighting?  Doesn't mean Sally is history's greatest monster but it's not exactly cool, either.

Favorite moment:

I got the impression that Megan had brought it up on the way home and that the conversation hadn't gone too far because Don didn't want to talk about it.  Megan brings it up again at home because how in the fuck do you not gossip about seeing your married business partner/rival on a date with one of your employees?

So did anyone else shout "Oh my god!  They killed Kenny!" a couple minutes in?

Think it already happened, although for entirely unrelated (well, mostly unrelated) reasons.

The majority of people are dating people about as attractive as they are, but it's about 80% at most.  If you spend a day around people, you will see numerous mismatched couples in a day.  And media celebrity, even relatively minor like Maron's, throws the whole calculation out.

I watched this without ever realizing that was the girl from Brick.  She is much more attractive with longer hair.

I have to regularly remind myself that the internet isn't the real world.  Feminists I meet in real life are generally reasonable people with sensible intentions and senses of humor.  It's only on the internet that they are hyperventilating about tv commercials and shit like that.  Similar experiences with

"It hasn't surprised me much to see so-called progessives respond to this news with gems like "who cares" or "Why should people be worried unless they have something to hide?", some of these being the same sort of folks who righteously freaked out over the AT&T room in 2006 dismissing this as smugly as your average

It was some guy named Nick Madson.  
I'm curious about who the guy who stole Blaine's jokes was.

the no strings attached department:  coordinating drunken one night stands and craigslist casual encounters since 1960