
I don't watch Breaking Bad, so I can't really weigh in, but there just felt something, more, to it. I guess it's the thought that the voice actor really is the age of Finn and could possibly go through what Finn is facing, and that this, the script, will help him with the situation when the time comes. Along with John

On the new complete season 1 DVD, there's a commentary that mentions PB having a skeleton in a closet during "Slumper Party Panic" and make a nod towards her not being as nice as we all think.

On the new complete season 1 DVD, there's a commentary that mentions PB having a skeleton in a closet during "Slumper Party Panic" and make a nod towards her not being as nice as we all think.

Plan on? Hell, I've already used it!

Plan on? Hell, I've already used it!

I'm surprise no mention of Jake's awesome tearing into PB:

I'm surprise no mention of Jake's awesome tearing into PB:

Dude, if you had an eyeball stare at you as you use the bathroom and you couldn't do anything about it, wouldn't it terrify you?

Dude, if you had an eyeball stare at you as you use the bathroom and you couldn't do anything about it, wouldn't it terrify you?

" Goliad was all of, what, maybe a week old, and her only experiences
with people were someone who hadn't slept in 83 hours, a Chaotic Neutral
dog, a 14 year-old boy, and the half-feral Candy Children? Of course she went evil."

" Goliad was all of, what, maybe a week old, and her only experiences
with people were someone who hadn't slept in 83 hours, a Chaotic Neutral
dog, a 14 year-old boy, and the half-feral Candy Children? Of course she went evil."