Gorilla My Dreams

Yeah, I've been catching at least Conan's monologue and I gotta say, as much as I love the guy, his jokes have been kinda shitty. He could never be as lame or annoying as Leno, but he's not exactly firin' on all cylinders so far, or at least his writers haven't been.

The only aspect of "political correctness" that ever got any traction was the (stupid) phrase "African-Americans", and that's only because ever since they started actually giving a shit about not offending them, white people have had a hard time figuring out a good word to use to describe black people. Almost all of

Dice is unintentionally hilarious to listen to nowadays, kind of like a stand-up equivalent of Troll 2 or something…

That ain't so insightful really… Conservatives were never all that uptight about making jokes at the expense of minorities/gays. And if you think they're the laid-back ones nowadays, try making a joke about Catholic priests in a venue where conservative Catholics would actually hear you.

I want to open for Gallagher…
I'll do prop comedy, but the only prop will be a bottle of water with the words "FUCK" and "SHIT" written on it.

I think he means that Leno and Letterman don't wear colors that contrast with the backdrop enough. Just a floating heads and hands, y'know?

Remember kids, though MTV now rivals E! in terms of exploitative trash, it's still the socially responsible network that brought you the Free Your Mind ad campaign, the reality show star with AIDS, and the Clinton presidency.

"Dancing in the street" is actually one of the pivotal moments in Mick Jagger's long and storied flight over the shark. Once upon a time, a younger, cooler, Mick had poked fun at "Dancing in the Street" in the lyrics to "Street Fighting Man": "Summer's here and the time is right/For fighting in the street, boy", and

Almostinfocus, beware Beastmaster II. It's nothing but a pale retread of the original.

"That episode was a big step up from the last couple of go nowhere bore fests"

I'd classify it more as "Making a reference to something awesome = awesome" than "contemporary is better." I don't have a problem with reference-based humor (except when it comes to Robot Chicken, which expects us to laugh our asses off at the mere mention of Skeletor or Voltron), and I really wanted to like Be Kind

Yeah, Quinn is actually out to catch Dexter cheating… I wasn't paying enough attention to that whole interaction. Quinn definitely has to go, but they need to make him more evil if Dexter's gonna do away with him…

Actually I guess they did set up the mistake quite a bit… Dexter's not sleeping well and he's distracted with the kids so he's getting sloppy… duh!

Best acting gig ever
…All Michael C. Hall has to do on the set is stand around and look brooding, then he can literally phone in Dexter's internal monologues! I kid! But the VO was a bit much in this episode.

I think they ran the first season during that writer's strike a year or two ago because they didn't have any new episodes of some shitty CBS show or another.

Yeah, BC is re-watchable in that you can enjoy it on different levels at different points in your life… If you're 13 and you see it, you might actually take it somewhat seriously, and then it gradually seems more and more ludicrous with each viewing… A school with saturday detention that's so loosely supervised that

Silence of the Lambs
There was definitely a time when I woulda said I could always watch Silence of the Lambs when it's on, but recently it seems like they air it every other day, so I can't necessarily watch it unless it's at a really good part… If it's the sequence where Clarice is exploring the storage unit and

Die Hard with a Vengance? Really? All I remember about that movie is when Bruce Willis is forced to wear a sandwich board.

First 2 songs are kinda fun, although "If you're wondering if I blah blah…" pretty much copped its verse riff from "A Town Called Malice." The rest of the album is pretty forgettable, except for "Can't Stop Partying", which is memorably fucking awful. I actually don't recall "In the Mall" from the listen I gave this

Yeah, they didn't do a whole episode called "The Ski Lift" that made fun of wacky Orthodox customs for a half hour!