Gorilla My Dreams

A million Little Pieces of Douchebag
Interesting that this autobiographical story could include ANY scenes that don't feature Tucker Max… How could he know what actually happened if he wasn't there? Will he wind up on Oprah tearfully admitting that he made up the whole story after watching Swingers?

Too Much Larry
As far as troublesome social conventions go, this was a pretty great one, although they only touched on it briefly. Anyone can get annoying if you spend too much time with them, but if you're in a relationship with someone it's usually not kosher to say you need to see LESS of them, y'know?

This show is always hit or miss from episode to episode, and even from minute to minute… I remember thinking that the episode where Larry busts on Funkhouser for saving a seat for his dead father just went to far with the mean-spirited humor, but I recently re-watched that one and the rest of it is actually pretty

I'm sorry, but that serious, heartfelt second half of Juno was not NEARLY enough to make up for that excruciating first half-hour. I'm guessing Cody won the screenplay Oscar because the Academy members don't spend that much time near a computer, and thus they found the stock internet snark and the try-hard


Lighthearted tomfoolery!
Man, that Kanye west apology was FUN, huh? There's nothing quite as hilarious as watching a grown man squirm and then cry about his deceased mother.

Russell Brand
Does that guy still dress like the Keith Richards-ish rock star character he played in Forgetting Sarah Marshall? The man is a true method actor! Not funny though.

It ain't so bad
If you ask me, Courtney started with the most atrocious possible act and has just been working backwards. I'm referring to the publication of Cobain's Journals, natch!

There's more than one all-girl band playing mediocre songs badly? That's gotta be up there with rap-metal in the annals of shitty genres.

Well you know, you might as well ask why Dr. Melfi keeps seeing Tony Soprano after he threatened her, or why Jack and Sawyer keep fighting over Kate, or why tha Paymasons keep hiding shit and leaving clues in the Bible… Sometimes audience expectations corral an artist into repeating himself. I just farted.

Is there any chance that Lawrence will be on the poster flashing his FBI badge so we know he's supposed to be an undercover agent or have they gotten beyond that point?

You mean "hide all replies?" OK.

Do you by any chance mean "KISS Licensing idea?"

Liss Licensing idea
I know Gene loves to talk about himself and all, but since he says the exact same thing in every interview he does, why not just market a Gene Simmons doll to journalists that says "We wear more make-up than your mommy and make more money than your banker" and "Critics are irrelevant" when you pull

Liss Licensing idea
I know Gene loves to talk about himself and all, but since he says the exact same thing in every interview he does, why not just market a Gene Simmons doll to journalists that says "We wear more make-up than your mommy and make more money than your banker" and "Critics are irrelevant" when you pull

Yeah, I love it how when they're on a TV show people act like this is WONDERFUL, as if these people are foster parents or they're running a camp for kids with disabilities, when in reality they're essentially the same as cat hoarders…

Single guy = spoiled chinese food
I know Bill Maher busted on this one already, but it really is annoying when they illustrate that the main character is a single guy by showing that all he has in his fridge is a half-empty carton of chinese take-out. What a PATHETIC SLOB!

It seriously is amazing. We're talking "guy in chemistry class invents serum to dissolve girls' bathing suits" awesome. Or was that screwballs 2?

Tacked-on happy ending anyone?
If I recall correctly, and I saw this movie a looooooong time ago, so I might be wrong, but doesn't Fenn get her arms and legs reattached at the end? I'm not an amputician, but I think it's kinda impossible to do that…

Sweet Movie
…Is a Criterion release. If you don't know what I'm talking about, consider yourself lucky.