Gorilla My Dreams

Adaptation Rules Apply:
You can fuck around as much as you like, as long as you give the people a satisfying third act. This is sort of applicable to Lost… I don't think they're going to wind up tying up EVERY last little loose string (in particular, I'm not holding my breath for a resolution to the Libby mystery),

The Plot of Knocked-up
"…with little discernable humor, stretched out…"

You know what was exciting about the Terminator movies?
John Connor! He was my FAVORITE part. He needs his own movie.

Yeah that confused me too because I distinctly remember that skit from SNL as one of Carvey's rare moments of genius. That really is a great concept!

What a shame.

I pretty much gave him a lifetime pass after Ed Wood, it was such a great, clever, lovingly-made film. And Pee Wee and Beetlejuice both go alongside Ghostbusters on the short list of things I loved as a kid that I can still enjoy/enjoy more as an adult.

Darren Aronofsky
I've heard many people say that the Wrestler is great and that I should see it, and I've heard a lot about Pi over the years as well, but I started off with Requiem For a Dream and found it to be so pointlessly gloomy, so pretentious, and so flat-out dumb that I pretty much wrote off Darren Aronofsky

@Morgendorfer: A-MEN!

Yeah, I didn't find it all catty or obnoxious the way Kate acted throughout the episode or frustrating that she was trying to sabotage the forward momentum of the plot in favor of… Going off into the woods or something. Also, it doesn't seem pointless to keep her around now her relationship with Jack has soured to

Whatever Kate's been through on the island, it still hasn't stopped her from being one of the most annoying characters in television history. Even though I pretty much agree with her criticisms of Jack's plan (and how is a detonating a nuke gonna stop an electromagnetic force anyway?), her bitchy way of expressing

Well, one definite parallel with Season 2 is that they introduced a bunch of new characters only to kill most of them off in relatively short order. I'm pretty confident Lapidus is a goner and that's OK I guess, but I'll be pretty annoyed if Miles bites it!

The only review I trust
…IS the geek. You know, the girl geek. The one you call a pretty pretty princess.

I'm making a deal with the world: If you promise to stop claiming London Calling is brilliant from start to finish, I promise to stop bringing up "Lost in the Supermarket"

The Rutles were weird… As I recall the music was shockingly good, but the movie wasn't terribly funny… Maybe it's just because there have been so many dead-on Beatles parodies since then and the Rutles movie was fairly gentle mocking compared to, say, the Be-Sharps episode of the Simpsons.

SHOCKED am I that dissent is not warmly embraced on an AV Club discussion board.

Yeah, this movie had pretty much the same problems any other anime I've seen has, the plot was oblique and convoluted and the dialogue was awkward.

This stuff is a lot less obnoxious than, say, Madagascar 2, but come on, Shakespeare it ain't. As with any anime I've ever seen, the dialogue in Spirited Away is pretty retarded. There was a line in there that went something like "What an esophagus!"

Well, generally I find American Apparel's clothes to be boring and ugly, but after seeing that picture of Woody Allen dressed as a rabbi I think I'm sold!