
I mean obviously this is very stupid to even think about, let alone post a fucking news story about.

I hate to agree with this because I loved Weeds so much even until the end, but it got so outrageous and dumb and you are 100% right.

Yes. Carl's storyline has become very bad. Agreed. Insulting reasonable people in general yes, insulting legal responsible gun owners, well, I don't see why everyone needs to have a gun, but I'm from Canada SOOOOO :D

Please, James Dalton, tell me how Yanis has EVER been in the right??

People are SUPPOSED to be hard on Frank. That's the entire point and why people will still watch. He is awful and we want to see how awful he is.


I don't know how you could watch this show all these years and not get how it is, at heart, about Fiona bashing. It's what the show lives on. If you don't like it how have you been watching so long?

Kevin is always hilarious and his actor is awesome.

re: Carl, yes so much. The only part of Carl's narrative in this episode that made almost any sense.

This review was, overall, kind of pretty good, other than the idiot bullshit, which the reviewer itself called bullshit, of calling it out for being a… TV Show? That whole part of the review was really weird and didn't land properly for me, given the other seasons where this show has stated it's somewhat crazy premise.

I hate this so much. Ugh. First time a guy I loved currently as a musician died. So sad. Bye Bowie.

An example of him being cleared of charges?

there opinion

And sometime later, all the Savage Love questions are still about kinky straights. Why?


This reviewer hardly ever got this show. Oh Well. At least it's over now.

Ugh, You spend a lot of time commenting on a show you don't like. Great job!

Like anyone ever thought that. Also your comments in this topic generally suck, IMO. :D

LOL I hate that I had to like this.

So that other person can't express an opinion with an expletive and go on to explain why they thought so? Wow. So Circle Jerky.