occams laser

Not only is there horrible rape humor but their film criticism is really, really bad.

Does Windu even see Boba?

Yes because political idealists believe in killing people to make the government they want.

It really isn't. Even if I didn't like the prequels I would dislike RLM. I can't change their most subjective opinions about whether or not an actor is good, but when they discuss plot points it becomes obvious they aren't paying the least bit of attention to the movies. 99% of the criticisms are ENTIRELY made up.

As an RLM fanboy you must not be used to those.

Stupid things get the hate they deserve eventually.

Remove the racism and misanthropy they're structurally very similar to Marvel movies.

Monty Python humor hasn't aged well (but I love it).

Don't get me wrong, I like them. But they haven't aged well, which is what the Q&A is about.

It's made very clear they didn't know he was evil at the time. Ki Adi Mundi says "he's a political idealist, not a murderer". Political idealists don't believe in killing people to achieve their goal.

I think it's silly to go to a woefully inadequate movie and then be told that the core of it was left on the cutting room floor and can be seen after six months on Blu-Ray.

The Tim Burton Batman movies have not aged well at all.

And it only bugs me because nerds put Whedon on such a pedestal. People pretend like his movies are the most amazing thing ever but they're completely forgettable entertainment.

Except one is a politician and the other is a ruthless bounty hunter with both his guns aimed at Windu and ready to fire.

I LOVE the first Iron Man movie. But Tony's arc (pun unintended) keeps coming back to the same thing-him facing the demons of his past.

I agree wholeheartedly but I just found it baffling when Whedon said it "nakedly" him. He sounded delusional.

How can it be misinterpreted? He made a promise to his loved one. They made a big deal out of it. The fact that it was never even mentioned in passing is astoundingly lazy.

I find the MCU as entertaining as anybody else, but let's face it, they're the most meaningless movies ever. They're slick, polished and completely characterless.

*Holds up hands.

I beat you to it!