
The duality of man is mirrored in his machinations.


Asps! Very dangerous! You go first.

The Godfather Part 2. I loved the first one, but thought the second one was garbage (save for the Robert DeNiro scenes as young Vito).

See the 80s cartoon movie.

Ha! Excuse me, but I'm not the rough trade in the tight camisole with a naked guy tattooed on my arm!

Maybe I'm in the minority, but as far as mass produced "domestic" beers go, Coors is far and away the best. I legitimately like not only the Banquet Beer, but also, Coors Light. That is my standard after work beer.

I believe I'll vote for a Tim Hortons candidate!

Chuck Testa?

Eastman came forth from the east to duel with THE AMAZING RANDO!

Not a show, but I stopped reading Exiles after Mimic died.

We wouldn't want to knot things up. This is a straight laced operation.

I remember hearing that people in New York used to throw garbage at the actor who played Walter Peck in Ghostbusters.

I came here for the Aliens. Where are all the Aliens?

- Michael Scott

It's not your fault.

I love this series.

And some sesame cake!

Yeah, it's definitely escalated to *needing* it at this point.