
That's my favorite bit from the episode.

"Futurama, always making with the brutal social commentary."
Did anyone else read this in a Zoidberg voice?

Well I don't know if it's bad storytelling in this instance. It was used as a device in that first season to really drive home his relationship with his family and his father. It doesn't need to be something we go back to (as most non-readers are likely ignorant that there is more to that story in the books). It just

I guess that makes sense from their perspective, but it's frustrating for those who have read the books to have these plotlines teased and then dropped.

I agree, I was just praising it on here the other day.

Oh okay, my memory on that is a little fuzzy.

Yeah, I don't expect Tysha to ever show up in the books, which is why I didn't get not putting that bit in the show, especially because like you say they already set it up in season 1.

I'm thinking the kidnapping goes down similar to in the book and that's where Tyrion and Varys part ways. However, since Varys and Tyrion are already heading to Dany, maybe that doesn't make much sense. Maybe they just pick him up along the way.

But why would Tormund go along with the farce? I guess he could be in on it and he is sacrificing himself so that Mance could live, but seeing as how part of that farce is Mance becoming somewhat of a pawn for Melisandre, it doesn't really make sense.

You just don't get it.

Except in the books when "Mance" is executed he starts screaming that he's no king and pleading for it to stop. If it wasn't really Mance being killed I don't think whoever it was would have been so stoic and accepting of it.

Are they going to bring Jorah back or has he effectively been written out of the show?

What I don't get it why they cut out the bits about Tysha. I feel like it adds a lot more into Jaime and Tyrion's relationship (as well as Tyrion and Tywin's) and it doesn't require them adding much of anything but a few lines of dialogue.

Maria you ignorant slut!

That's in my Netflix queue, haven't got to it yet.

I re-watched Your Highness. I don't care what anybody says. I think it's hilarious.

Royal Tenenbaums and Life Aquatic are my two favorites.

It blows my mind that some people could like Moonrise Kingdom more than Grand Budapest. I'm a huge Wes Anderson fan and I think Moonrise Kingdom is his worst.

Yeah, I also think January Jones is a terrible actress.

Well, the eyepatch was a dead giveaway.