
I agree you can still enjoy something even if it's been "spoiled", but like you say, those other ways of enjoying it are just part of it.

Torpedo Vegas: You're starting to infuriate me! You don't even have any pants on!
Xander: Neither does he!
Torpedo Vegas: He doesn't have a penis! …as far as I can tell…
Xander: Yeah, what's that all about?
Killface: Oh, like you're one to talk!
Xander: Hey! My penis fills an entire tallboy! (cut to "Master Cylinder!")

I don't see how anything you just said contradicts what I said.

…what are we doing?

I got her champagne, I opened it, what's a guy gotta do?

The thing is, when reading historical fiction the events aren't the main plot, there's characters involved in the events and their personal storyline is what you're following. You don't watch Gettysburg wanting to know who wins the Civil War you watch it wanting to know what happens to the specific characters in the

Neil: This thing's a piece of crap!
Old Man: Hey fuck you! That crap is free! I made it! Right? Ungrateful shit.

My biggest problem was how Kitty inexplicably had time travel powers. Other than that though it was pretty good.

"Does a mall baby eat chili fries?"


I know it was intended and apologies if anyone else already got to it, but…

You can't find your flip-flops can you Hooper?

Well the truth of the matter is he doesn't report to a commissioner, he reports to a committee. Some of who are appointed, some are elected, and the rest co-opted on a biannual basis. It's a quorum so to speak.

I'm not advocating never using protection, just offering up an explanation. I've heard from multiple women that they prefer the feeling without a condom. I know my financée does, but we don't have to worry about birth control because I received radiation treatment when I was younger.

I saw the Wire! I know what Baltimore is really like! You feel me?!

Just like how guys like to feel a woman's vagina, women like to feel a guy's dick.

You are, as we say in Latin, a dorkus malorkus.

I'm probably in the minority, but I read the entire series and never thought it was that great. It wasn't terrible, but I guess I just never really liked the main character that much (again, definitely in the minority).

I don't know if it's been "confirmed" but all signs point to PG-13, I would be very (happily) surprised if it is rated R.

Mordecai was rated R? lol, I just assumed it was PG-13, but I'm sure it was still awful.