
You're thinking of Gandalf.

21: I brought somebody to cheer you up.

I stand corrected. It's been a while since I read the books. When I read "fookin'" though I imagine it coming from Begbie.

because that's how Welsh spells it in his books.

The scene in Congo where Mr. Homolka (Tim Curry) stops eating the sesame cake.

Actually the chestburster scene is the second take, they couldn't use the original first take because one of the actors got hit full face with about a quart of cow's blood.

One of my best friends is still pissed at me because I recommended There Will Be Blood and told him that it's slow, but has one of the best endings of all movies. He hated it and is mad at me for getting his expectations up. I still don't understand what the fuck he's talking about.

Yeah, it's actually really funny when people use that phrase because it's the complete opposite of what they mean. Both are fruit, both are round, they're both about the same size.

Late to the party here, but I have one, although it's not a console or computer game, it's a bar trivia game.

Multiple ears or just one like Bongo?

Did you know that Homer and Krusty are actually the same person?

I always liked the bits on the farm better than the bits with Garfield.

PJ's reminds me that claymation counts, so how about some love for Celebrity Deathmatch?

That's just an expression… a robot expression.

You haven't seen the last of me, A.V. Club! Now good bye forever!

Genre mixing alert! Booooooo0-wip-wip-wip! Boooooooo-wip-wip-wip! Whah! Whah! Whah! Whah! Dwew-dwew-dwew-dwew!


The first season of Home Movies was like that with Paula Poundstone as Brendan's mom. Her phone call conversations were basically just vehicle for her to do her standup.

"He's been in the horse anus room for a while man. I mean, I did it once. That was enough."

"My watch has stopped."
"What? Why?"
"Because [dramatic pause] …it's been magnetized."