
That's nothing, I once stole my Uncle Max's toupee and wore it as a beard when I played Moses in my Hebrew school play.

Love the scene but why in the hell is the music playing at regular speed!?!

From Russia with Love is Connery's best imo.

That would be a dodecahedron dum dum.

I loved this movie and continue to love it. Everybody else sucks. Quote me.

What do we want from a holiday movie beyond a little snow, Santa, and some sort of message of love and togetherness?

Keep talking sh*t and you's get a free ride in the am-bu-lance!

Chris Gethard was in one of my favorite College Humor skits, the Hardly Working - Step Dad one.

Fair point, but at the same time the cross guard doesn't prevent such a move, it would only limit the degree that such a swing could come from. But I suppose some protection is better than none.

I'd describe more as a lightsaber claymore, but that's just me…

My understanding of lightsabers is that when one lightsaber hits another they lock and you can't slide the "blade" down to cut your opponents hand.

It's on par with getting the fingerprint off the shattered bullet in Dark Knight.

You don't really need to push crack, it basically sells itself.

I'm experiencing a sensation altogether new to me, and frankly, I love it!

Who threw the tomato?

If you stick around, it'll make it worth your while.


It's pronounced Edutainment.

Yeah, that's one of them.

Public life yes, PARKLIFE! no.