Molly B Damned

Upvoted for "clump around like a fishwife."

Was that after El Diablo?

Quiet, George Lucas.

I would watch both of those movies.

I shouldn't know this, but I think you mean on The Following.

The John Bobbitt story?

True Detective. I started it and liked what I saw, but I never finished it due to some personal problems taking up most of my time. I'll probably try a binge watch before the second season premiers.

Yay, more Agent Carter!

McCown sounds like Hunter Thompson towards the end.

He was supposed to star in it, too. The studio wouldn't allow it due to his personal issues at the time.

Yep, all we have are him, Sam Kinison (East Peoria), Dan Fogelberg, and Joe Girardi.

I'm going to walk over and see this after work.

Two things.

He's still a douche with terrible taste in music and no talent.

Scientologists are stupid people, and stupid people can't handle criticism or logic.

Yeah, I wish I'd stopped when you did. That was some disturbing shit. I haven't been able to bring myself to watch anymore episodes yet.

I took my wife to American Sniper and she didn't know about the ending.

I saw the first episode of Black Mirror, having heard nothing about it other than it was good. I wish I'd been warned.

George RR Martin in The Fall, season 3.

You Took my pun.