
In my defense, i only knew what 22% of those words meant.

This Day is Dragging On!
Get to work you slack-shit-sack Neo-Luddites! I need digitalia to ingest!

What, no Birth of a Nation?

I loved Notes From the Underground, i think that makes me the bigger philistine.

It's trite but… you can't quit us Lone Tom of the Apocalypse…

Shit, i think the people keeping it on the air count as my "enemies"… i hope they have attractive women…

I resolve to crush my enemies, see them driven before me and to hear the lamentation of their women. And eat more bran, i been poopin wierd.

A movie where John Cusack is warped back in time to the 80's has so much potential it's like patton oswalt shoved inside paul f. thomkins.

Am i alone in not liking Kick-Ass all that much? Comic nerds enjoying it seems a bit ironic.

Plus that alerting relative responded to Fed questioning by shitting his pants. Incontinent old people have never been so defiant.

Wasn't Stephen Chao supposed to be Kato at some point?

-Ogre U. Asshole

You're ghostin' us, motherfucker. I don't care who you are back in the world, you give away our position one more time, I'll bleed ya, real quiet. Leave ya here. Got that?

Yeah Valkyrie always struck me as finely crafted garbage. Not good, but pieced together nicely.

Especially now! Amirite?


I read that as X-titties which, honestly, is a mutant power not explored enough.

Isn't that what they did with the Hulk? And to a less succesful degree the Punisher?

Is it just me…
Or is Joan Jett getting hotter as she ages? At this rate she could just play herself.

Restless leg syndrome?