Have you ever met a Ron Paul supporter? Logical connections are not their strong points. Pleasantly simplistic aphorisms, however, are.
Barry Goldwater?
Looks like those animators might occasionally… tai-wan on, if you know whadda mean! *drink drink glug glug hand motion*
I did, and I am not even a little ashamed.
Wookie mistake.
Serious question: Why not? I mean, that sounds leagues less absurd than any number of other TV shows that have been produced, some of them even successful. I'm just glad it's not another procedural.
Still is making it, last I heard. And yes, that will be an interesting companion/contrast piece with this film.
Those are follycles. Related, but not the same thing.
Dammit, Lobsters 1, can't you people ever leave well enough alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AboveAverageGonzalez would know.
What if I told you that the "lorem ipsum" filler text possibly dates back to the 16th century AND that it has been Rastafied by 10%?
The world becomes 90 times more interesting when you stop worrying about whether you're supposed to like something or not.
In heaven, there have been six new Muppets movies made by Henson, and five of them have been AWESOME and one of them was only SO-SO but still PRETTY GOOD.
Better they play that now than risk her getting elected and having to play "Party at Ground Zero."
That doesn't look like a reasonable discussion.
Says you.
He uses best practices.
In your sound checks, you could say (gruffly), "Teste, teste, 1-2-3."