A heavy metal reference would have saved the episode, had the rag remembered in the final flashback that he was destroyed at the end of that sequence, and then burst into flame, ceasing to exist.
A heavy metal reference would have saved the episode, had the rag remembered in the final flashback that he was destroyed at the end of that sequence, and then burst into flame, ceasing to exist.
I know that Castle has never been the most tightly-plotted show (and people generally don't come to it looking for coherence), but this week's episode was just a mess. The government is paying for drug dog training in lump sums of untraceable cash? A drug cartel thinks that it can deal with the DEA seizing its goods…
Maybe I'm misremembering, but didn't they suggest that the 'confidence through foul language' DVD that Wilts and Todd have exists only as part of Dave's scheme, thereby suggesting that it's all been a setup?
You know, for a guy who spent a good five minutes reminiscing about how much he loved the slave who brought him up and died trying to protect his son, Bohannon sure couldn't be bothered to bury her corpse, could he?
Today, sure, but in the 1860s?
"I am Legend", the Richard Matheson story about a planet of vampires who live in fear of the monstrous creature who stalks the daylight, breaking into their homes and killing them as they sleep.
What was with that scene where he talked about becoming a lawyer because he was so desperate to fight for justice and create new law - didn't he become a tax lawyer? Wasn't the whole point of the movie that he became a lawyer to make as much money as possible, as fast as possible, and then he wasn't willing to make…
The worst thing about the rumour is that it's so stupid at its core - I don't know what happened in Illinois in November, 1960, but I know it had nothing to do with JFK getting elected. Because I can count, and that was not a close election.
Thanks for perpetuating the lie that JFK stole the 1960 election, show. Although maybe it's just that Kurt is such a bad student that he never had a chance to get into NYADA in the first place.
Do you think he had a flashback to the time Steven Segal killed him with a cleaver in a butcher shop?
With all the time Dexter spends talking to himself you'd think he'd give at least five seconds thought to the fact that he's spent this entire season trying to destroy his sister's career.
Really? Endangering the mission to steal camels feels like the character from Raiders to you?
Multialias is dead on with that ranking. While badly uneven, Temple of
Doom was still a rollercoaster of an aciton-adventure with comic moments
to release tension, just like Raiders. Crusade - while an extremely fun
in its own right - is an out-and-out broad action-comedy in the Jeffrey
Boam mold. Which is…
Oh my god, until I read your post it never occurred to me that it was supposed to be pronounced 'discuss'. I've only ever thought of it as being read aloud as discus - like the sport. Which makes so much less sense than the alternative.
Wait, now that Quinn and Deb aren't dating any more, is he finally going to tell people about Dexter killing Robocop? Or does he no longer know that?
The upside of the whole Tara situation? At least now she's got the money to get very far away. Her insurance should pay out compensation for lost earnings caused by the injury. 30-40 years of being a talented surgeon, that payout should add up to a pretty penny.
Did Jimmy flunk out of college, or is that just what Nucky thinks happened? Jimmy says he went to war because it was the right thing to do, Nucky says it's because he couldn't handle responsibility. I get the sense that Jimmy was trying to impress his father.
Nice that Dexter wants to make sure the victims' families suffer forever, believing that their loved ones' killer was never brought to justice. Actually, that's something of a hobby of his…
Yeah, that was my suspicion when we first saw him, and nothing about the show's treatment of him has led me to suggest that he's real.
Tio told the cousins about Walter - there's no reason to believe they told anyone else. I don't think Gus' people know who Walt is, but I believe that they'd be pissed that he's dead, and they'd come looking. Obviously they have the resources to make life difficult for Walter if the Cartel was frightened.