Super Hans On Crack

Well, let me just google "gonzo" and "girl"…. Ok, I'll be busy for awhile.

Not influencing musical trends? Exhibit A: "Moves Like Jagger" Exhibit B: um… hot girls in NY still wear t-shirts with the lips logo? Exhibit c: ….Does "Pirates of the Caribbean" count as music?

Speak for yourself.

Sure, there were some great groups that cracked the top 40! I'm curious - you mentioned Madonna as some of the best music from the past. Do you not see Beyonce as a modern equivalent? (personally, I'm pretty indifferent to both)

Yeah, but the top 40 hasn't been relevant to the best music being made since the 70's. A look at the 80's or 90's top twenty on any given week would have mostly shit I'm glad to have forgotten/never heard.

Does anybody remember the clean version of the early Cash Money artists (Hot Boys, Big Tymers, etc). They were actually way more creative, and the uncensored usually just rhymed fuck with fuck, bitch with bitch, and trigger with, well, you get the point.

Well, I did mention there could be parts of his story I don't know. Hell, maybe AVClub edited out where he talked about the other shitty jobs he had to work just to survive. Still though, I calls 'em likes I sees 'em!

Yeah, I work with kids in the NYC/Long Island/ Westchester area. To make a pretty broad generalization, I've noticed that the wealthier the family, the more likely the parents are to be raising an absolute sociopath. I mean, his story about breaking the tour guide's foot didn't seem to have any element of contrition.

Because old right wingers are an easy target. As soon I read that I wondered, "Has he ever heard of the Kennedys?"

Yeah, I really want to kick his ass now. The worst job he had was when he was nine and he volunteered for it, he was able to come up with several hundred dollars at age 14, and he had expensive ass baseball cards as a kid. Maybe he left out some crucial details, but he sounds like a total douchebag hipster of

Yeah, the Mo Rocca, two Steves era was quite amazing.

For me the phrase was "maybe this is a way for a band to buy a van or go on tour," emphasis on maybe. I won't make any assumptions about her personally, but I've been ripped off and given insanely bad deals by these types. Example: MTV Road Rules wanted to use any song on one of my albums in perpetuity for the grand

commented in the wrong section, so this is edited to say, um, boo-urns fireworks factory, and Rastafy.

I agree somewhat, but getting all of what was in the book (grain trade, Bavosi lending, Sparrows and centuries old religious law, Sansa learning about the families of the Eyrie, Dornish politics, and Tyrion's non linear path to Danerys) would have made for some pretty boring TV. D&D have mostly made it work, with

I can't wait for the next book to have Tormund chapters with inner dialogues about the size of everyone's member.

Ha ha. A childhood friend of mine ended up being their drummer. They played at my college ( I was, um, still in school and he was touring the world) and I looked him up and got to meet the three guys who actually were Jars of Clay. They were like, Christian guys who see themselves as really cool because they wear

We're all just airing opinions here. I think most people know that what someone says isn't meant to be taken as an objective truth. Also, aside from about 20 minutes of George Bush skits and 20 minutes of "Anchorman," Farrell is painfully unfunny. That's actually been proven in a M.I.T. lab.

I don't know why the comments rack up before yours.

NO SPOILERS!! I still have to wait three weeks!!