Super Hans On Crack

Unless you're reading the NYT or a classical music journal, music journalist hardly ever know anything about music. They can be great writers, and can often beautifully describe an artist's personality or the sociological circumstances surrounding an album or band. But for actual nuts and bolts of music, it's going to

Yeah, I didn't get that correlation. Soundgarden was sweaty, loud, heavy rock, but every interview I saw Cornell seemed like a self aware public figure who was edging in on Eddie Vedder for the Most Sensitive Grungie award. Comparing them to Limp Bizcut and loosely tying their musical style to the sexual assaults at

I'd look at "Stinkfist" and "Aenema." If you like that, check out the whole Aenima album. But if those two don't do anything for you, Tool probably isn't your thing.

I think it works for this album and group, and it's interesting to get different perspectives based on age and gender. Also, if this was a roundtable on a live Revolting Cocks EP only released in Japan between August and October of 1984, I wouldn't have read it or the comments.

The point isn't to dismiss music because of hipsters. The hell aspect is to be told about music you don't like by people you can't stand.

My guess is that it's not very good.

I teach in an African American neighborhood in Brooklyn. Country music is actually fairly popular with a lot of my students. For what it's worth, if you're having problems with loiterers, free jazz helps me keep ne'er do wells off of my stoop.

If you wanna go there, Cage's prepared piano sonatas would be my current jukebox selection. But I felt that was a bit too far off topic.

I'll take Cherry Pie over American Pie, and silence over the both of them

To be fair, that part of the wedding went off without a hitch.

Also, by "sticking it" to the big companies, we've freed ourselves from corporate sponsored art and pop culture. Artists don't have to go through the traditional channels to get noticed because the internet has liberated us! The PEOPLE can choose artists who don't need a label to win a fan base. Artists like Justin

"You can't shoot up a ghost!"

I don't know. Patton has a lot going on. I'd be surprised if he did it just for the money that a FNM album and tour would bring. The rest of the guys on the other hand…..

Yeah, I don't get how they could possibly be called folk music. It's so processed and produced that it just sounds like a producer used banjo and guitar synth sounds instead of the sounds normally used in a Rhianna or Lady GaGa track.

Denton, TX - where the cheap rents and low cost of living means a mildly successful indie band can keep going it for two decades!!! (That's not a knock on the band, btw. I'm glad they stayed away from the coasts and are still in a position to put out music.)

For the sake of fun and the use of the word fuck, what music do you like?

This is where Rap Genius bites off more than it can credibly chew. My wife went to a poetry conference a few months ago, and apparently what some of the biggest (or most published, if you want to look at it that way) poets in the U.S. do when they get together is read the annotations on Poetry Genius and laugh their

Yeah, and no Quentyn either.

That theory, or more accurately batshit grossly irresponsible conjecture, was big with some of my college friends in the late 90's. Don't know that any of them got HIV, but I'm pretty sure they all have herpes.

Discus erased a comment of mine yesterday for mentioning a radio station that was playing a Sun Ra tribute. Not cool.