Super Hans On Crack

I don't know. For as much shit as season 2 gets, all that quiet-loud talking had quite a bit a character development, especially with Daryl, Carol, Shane and Carl.

I see the contemporary body guard job as multi faceted. You protect your client, sure, but if your client is a celebrity that plays up to the thug image, you also have to take the rap for laws your client breaks. I think this is also usually the case when the client is busted for drug possession. It's fucked up, yo.

Probably, but it reminds me of a Jamie Foxx interview where he was talking about friends of his telling him NY and LA were just as racist as the South, only more subtle. His response was, "I like subtle shit."

Oh shit!! "Homerpalooza!" How could I miss that reference! I'll chalk it up to senility.

Well, I'm 38. I speak from experience when I say that most of my friends from high school will buy/download/stream this album like it's the best thing since Sgt. Pepper.

Because once a large part of the American population turns 30 they inexplicably begin listening to the worst music imaginable. Preferably made by their favorite artists.

Great. You googled some history facts, got high and mighty over a grammatical error, made up a back story about yourself, and said some shitty things about women for no reason. If anyone is still reading this old ass thread, this is exactly the type of person that gets super vocal about the right to piracy. Also, why

Do you have any idea how "Parks" or "How I Met Your Mother" is paid for? Yes, they are broadcast over the air for free. You can watch them FOR FREE online at the network's website for a few weeks after the air date and many shows are on Hulu FOR FREE a month or two after the air date. You actually do have options

"The original claim was about the morality of downloading pirated content, though, not about uploading it or facilitating its transmission for profit." You can't really have one without the other.

1) Never said the quality of a movie effects the morality of whether or not it should be illegally downloaded
2) I've read more history political theory books than you have, guaranteed. Not really a numbers guy, though. I live in NYC, so I don't really have much use for a birdhouse in my apt.
3) China is a multi ethnic

Piracy also means "One who makes use of or reproduces another's work without authorization." Kind of like how the term "bootlegger" doesn't always refer to hillbillies making illegal hooch. I don't know the history of this application of "piracy," but it certainly pre-dates the internet.
Is piracy a negative term?

People are also calling it piracy because what the illegal uploaders are doing fits the definition of piracy.

But that's actually ok if it means Marvel/DC/Image etc. would be willing to take a loss on a comic to keep the multimillion idea generator going.

Somewhat kidding, but also, I'd watch the shit out of that. It doesn't have to be part of the Whedon-verse. Fox could step up their franchise game. It couldn't be any worse than "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Can we please just get a "Champions" movie?

It was Joe Lhota, the Republican NYC mayoral candidate. While he's gone back on that statement, anyone who thinks New Yorkers need easy access to guns is out of their fucking mind.

I thought it was the shower water, not drinking water.

Yeah, they botched the hell out of Woodbury. But having the Governor survive the end of Season 3 gave me a renewed sense of not knowing what's going to happen next, even though it wasn't really compelling TV.

Agreed. He wins with that album.

Yeah, I was thinking, "Does this movie follow CBs all the way through the mid to late 80's? I'm not that familiar with those famous Blondie/Living Colour/Bad Brains shows."