Dr. 13

Everyone who hears the name Bane thinks of this definition: a person that ruins or spoils, Except a nutjob like Rush, who has politics on the brain all day long. It never even occurred to me that Bane sounds like the name Bain Capital, and who would even think to make that connection, let alone turn that into a faux

I read TV reviews of shows so I can get another opinion, and be talked out of following bad shows for a whole season, and be talked into following good shows I otherwise wouldn't give a chance. But at this site I see so many reviews of individual shows that just seem random. I don't see how last weeks OUAT was that

I don't know if this show even tried to be funny for the entire episode. It was just sad and uncomfortable. Andy never made a funny boss, and Robert California is such a jerk.This has been a pitiful season. I hope it doesn't come back.

If you have watched a single episode of Law & Order you would see how perfectly the entire show played on all the cliches of the 20 year program. From the opening where workers doing their tasks making small talk come across a crime scene, to a questioning of a suspect while he is busy working in a library, (working

This was the hilarious genius Law & Order parody I have been wishing to see on TV for years. They spoofed medical shows with Children's Hospital and I was like c'mon do a cop sendup. Cop shows rule in the ratings and they are so corny and ripe for parody.

This was the lamest episode of AT ever. Tree Trunks is not an interesting character, and here she is especially annoying as a public sex addict. Nothing interesting or funny happens in this episode. The part where the couple sings a song lamenting their fate, because they have been separated for a couple minutes was

John Carter made it's budget back with global grosses. It performed better overseas.

There are so many love triangles on this show it is mind-boggling. It seems like every character is involved in one. In this episode Darryl has a love triangle with a co-worker and her boyfriend, which reminded me of the first LT with Pam and Jim and her boyfriend at the beginning of the show. Also there is Erin and

I just hate Henry's character. In this episode he recklessly goes into an abandoned mine because it never occurred to him that might be dangerous for a kid. Then he gets himself and  Jiminy trapped, and almost kills Jiminy. I don't like the way the show indulges Henry's warped childish fantasies, so every stupid