
Yeah, that shit cray.

Yep, feels just like a bag of sand.

That just flipped the switch in my back from scorn to pity.

"Own your boner."
 - FDR

Love Trail of Dead.  On that one, Isis Unveiled is the song that makes me want to check random people on the street in buildings/cars. 
Opening 1-2 for them, gotta go with Source Tags.

Monster boners are beating Mechahathaway out of town.  News at 11.

As long as it's not puffy.

I just took a huge dump.  We're talking massive poop here.  You guys could probably squeeze out 6 or 7 articles about it.

bork bork bork bork SOUFFLE!

If the concerts are half as sexy as that halftime show, count me in.

Do you encore with Two Princes?

Girl Meets World (through the internet and is permanently scarred)

Have you seen how handsome Henry Cavill is?

They dropped their album?  I hope they made two copies.

That one is great, but part two has this:

My love of their first two albums makes me question my sexuality.

[R. Kelly joke] [reference to classic sci-fi]

If it were an ice cream flavor, it would be pralines and dick.

It's actually the other way around.  And she has to have green eyes.

This seems like an appropriate place to talk about the naked woman in the Taste of Money ad that has been on this website all day.