
I totally disagree. Kili was basically fridged so that Tauriel could have some character development. It was clumsily done, but I appreciated the gender-flipped trope.

"My pop culture resolution for 2015 is to watch every movie with Jason Statham, even the ones that aren't streaming on Netflix."

I sort of think that the idea that Oscar-bait movies only get criticized for historical accuracy is a stupid "people only hate me because I'm popular" idea. There are multiple reasons why Oscar-bait movies get more criticism for historical: first, they get more attention, so criticism rises proportionally; second,

I'm so glad that Rob Lowe is defending truth, justice, free speech, and trivializing World War II. I feel SO much better now.

This really isn't a matter of free speech: the US federal government didn't say either way whether or not Sony had to pull the movie, even though there were threats. Sony pulled the movie because the hack gave them a lot of bad press and no one was going to show up; it was purely capitalist, materialistic reasons that

I was just thinking that this entire thing was a little creepy.

That description is actually the most accurate thing I have read about anything ever.

That is honestly the only episode of anything that's made me just start bawling.

You are just *so* cool.