Quantum of Scarface

The Patty Winters Show this morning was about movie extras who were brutally murdered.

Yeah, it's Matrix-esque…part one=fucking awesome, best you can say about the other two is they are barely tolerable.

"Shop 'till you freak at the white noise boutique!"

But Wilco let us have it for free!

This would've made a great episode in the aborted second season of Kolchak:The Night Stalker!

(stops laughing, grows very quiet)

Can't we let this poor Neanderthal woman rest in peace?

Thank God Robert Stack didn't live to see this!

Gee, I Dunno Internet

See also: Sean Penn and Madonna

Are they a couple?



I remember some story about Paul going to a pub to beat someone up, either because of a music issue or a girl (this was before Linda). I can't remember the details, just that Paul came off as a huge asshole.

So jealous you got to meet her! :)

Bruce Jenner is no hero!

Hey, S my C!

Care to see my trouser Bantha?

Do you really think she'll pull through?

Yousa sayin' he an assahole?