Quantum of Scarface

He puts the Hot "Mess" in Messiah!

Everything gives you CancerAIDS.

Robyn-Hot or off putting?

"Slide whistles…I hate those things!"

Miami Vice:
Seasons 1-3=great
Season 4=very uneven but ends awesome
Season 5=unbelievably fucking awful

Easy fix, just watch the Tom Baker years.

Die, AV Club, Die

"Did you ah, did you hear about this? The Seattle Seahawks won the Superbowl, or, as they are calling it in Denver, the "Red Wedding" " (audience hoots and hollers)

McRib. Chomp.

So Obama looks like God when he's been drinking?

You must have that Marilu Henner memory thing.

Did you evah?

My brother Crash and my other brother Crash

Hear this? Watch this? Read this?

Their moms think they're super!

It's an Eskimo cookbook!

Now see here…!

Well I'm BORED, Goddammit!

Listen here you stupid dame!

What I got from the book was that King was a fan, just not a mindlessly devoted one. For every classic episode there are at least three mediocre ones.