
Don't forget aliens and their ancient spaceship pyramids.
Y'know …"History"

It was expressive and unique without being too showy about it. Like yeah his style was pretty distinct, but it never needed to feel all overdone and splashy. He always had this normal workmanship style, so when the grotesqueness showed up it really stood out, and looked effectively horrifying to boot.

Not to belabor this point, but does 2016 really have to kill off so many of my heroes?
Fuck everything.

Go on, get out of here!!
*releases illegally-owned pandas into street*

There really should be a collection of those articles. First as a historical record, and in teaching how to properly exercise sarcasm in prose.

I missed when the Buzzkills were regulated to Fridays, rather than every waking moment.

This election has made everyone nasty. On a sliding scale, I'd say O'Neal held up pretty well where weaker minds surely would not. In a time when the internet is not humanity's greatest boon but its loudest most profane burden, we seek at least some sort of calming nuance.
What I'm saying is I would welcome a 10-year

Oh God! I can feel the actual decay of my cells while this election is going on. I can sense the degradation of time and space while the universe folds into itself.

Dammit! RIP Zorak, Moltar, and Dr. Weird(?)
Many a college night have I spent with friends watching SGC2C. Counter-culture owes this guy a big debt.

That's nice but are you really buff, have poorly drawn hands, grimace a lot, have pouches everywhere, and no feet?

Worse yet, Catholic! Or is that Batholic?

That was sweet. I'm glad they gave Onion some more depth. Also wonder if those kids are fellow Beach Citizens or they live in the outlying towns. Someone must have started those Ocean City fires.

What really got me about the episode was how easily Daria took on(albeit hating herself) pantomiming Quinn, and then Quinn freaking out as well.

…Leave it for the Vandals, then get your ass to Byzantium.

Mr. Leaves a Bad Review on Yelp.

Truly the 90's were a renaissance for comics.

I was living in Virginia at the time. I had moved here from NY(Central Long Island) almost a year ago. I was working in the screen dept of a print shop, when my future boss came up and said a plane hit the north tower. I thought it was weird at first, then I heard a plane hit the south tower and I rushed to the