
I guess I'm just confused as to why the 'liberal elite' always seems to take the form of a college professor, rather than, say, someone with actual power…?

Very good point. I used to do lectures for a course as a TA, and most students would rather eat their own hand than say a word during class.

"all the music on the radio is shit" is one that gets me something fierce. If you can't think of a place to find new music more suited to your tastes besides your local FM radio station, I'm afraid you just aren't equipped to deal with the digital age. If you have managed to find another way to get said music and

What is with the giant hard-on christian evangelicals seem to have with out-debating university profs? Everything from Chick tracts to books to movies seem to use this weird christian trope where the godless prof says something sinful (like 'evolution is a thing'), only to be ripped apart by plain-speaking christian

I am never going to watch 24 in my life, but I would very happily read one-sentence summaries of every episode if they were written like this.

Reminds me of the old Tom Green one.

For just a moment there I thought you meant the band Live. Coincidentally, 'with a gun to my head' is the only way I'll listen to Live.

oh thank god…I saw this movie last night and couldn't believe how terrible it was after all the critical praise I heard. After looking up this review I had to run through the comments just to make sure that there was JUST ONE other person who wasn't jumping for joy over this dull mess of a film. I can sleep now…thank


Why this is not the most quoted line on the internet I'll never know.

That is one of a short list of movies that actually put tears in my eyes.

In gr 10 french lit class we read a great novel called Anne ici – Sélima là-bas about the muslim immigrant experience in France, and followed it up with Not without my Daughter which just seemed to underscore how racist the movie was. Also, we didn't even watch it in French, or even finish it as I recall. I assume she

Yep! That's how I saw Amadeus and The Buddy Holly Story.

In Utero is great because of that raw sound, but it's not what got people on the grunge wagon, and it didn't even sell half of what Nevermind did. Even Badmotorfinger sounds pretty polished to my ears (wasn't there even a sax solo on one of the last tracks?) compared to their earlier stuff.

No, it's just funnier when punks and their musical descendants do it, because they tend to talk the most about authenticity.

You could still be in a rock band and do something different. Industrial bands managed to do so. But even if you like being in a guitar-bass-drum band, there's much more innovative things you could do rather than another variation of the quiet-loud-quiet power-chord romp.

I remember reading an article with the guitarist from Live in that magazine and he just went on for half a page about how guitar skill and technique just weren't that important to him and that he couldn't play a 12-bar blues riff and had no interest in learning. That interviewer must have been grinding his teeth the

It was a revelation once I figured tab out. Of the first 2 years of my internet experience, I'd say that guitar tabs (captured on screen then diligently reformatted in wordperfect) was 98% of what I did online.

It wasn't half as embarrassing as the endless "HOW TO PLAY GRUNGE!/PUNK!/ALTERNATIVE!" articles that were in those same issues. Those metalhead tablature transcribers must have died a little inside the 7th time they were asked to write out the riff to 'Basketcase'.