Rory Calhoun

I mostly agree. Unless there's a really funny guest, there's no point in watching the interviews.

Damn you, Crackity! Get rid of that picture - it's mine!

I'm looking for the Taste Test, too. Where is it?!

Every time a bell rings, an angel gets its wings. But every time a mousetrap snaps, an angel gets set on fire.

Most "Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey.

Exactly, Curtis. The AV Club gets money and can provide us with more sweet, sweet (FREE) content.

June 1 is when Conan takes over The Tonight Show.

Holy crap! I found it. Youtube is amazing:

Disney Movies on VHS
Does anyone else remember those big white Disney movie VHS cases that were ubiquitous at the video stores where I grew up?

My band
Patrice Servelle - "A Prophylactic Measure Against Stupidity"

This is definitely either a religious Jew or Christian type band. I'm thinking Jew for Jesus.

Agreed. Those moments were the absolute best parts of the show.

Lost Untangled
Was pretty lame. You can watch the whole thing on ABC.com, but basically what I overheard was just a quick rehashing of some of the L.A. plot.

Doesn't our country's biggest general have better things to do than toss that coin?

I'm home. And third.

Liked It
I really liked this episode. It wasn't one of the dark ones, but it had hints of real tragedy (for me, at least). Those Prince Family Paper people broke my heart. I really wanted Michael to successfully ditch the list.

Just want to point out that I'm a girl, even though my screen name and picture would say otherwise.