Bob Loblaws Law Blog

Well, not two types we have the same animal at different ages. You're contending that the torosaurus is the adult triceratops, where I would say what we thought was the triceratops was really just a young torosaurus; thus no triceratops

I'm glad the robot world had one because we didn't

what does one have to do with the other? not convincing.

Cole me down on the panny sty!

I don't get…
the Jason Reitman backlash, I've enjoyed all 3 of his movies

Brandon Routh
in 2008 he probably hated being cut from a movie, in 2010 I'll bet he'd love to pick up the paycheck

There is a huge money pot in Hollywood and the unions have every right to want their hands in it, but Unions are a big reason why Hollywood movies are so expensive. This is especially magnified (as a percentage of total budget) on non-CGI driven character movies. When every movie comes with such an inflated price

I always knew she was a tease

you CAN'T knock her over

you know, the Singer songwriter?

Maybe my favorite line was from just a couple episodes ago, Roman: "Am I supposed to enjoy the irony or pity the sincerity?"

@3rd prize you're fired, if you're being ironic kudos, for the sly commentary as Louis CK is not the anti Dane Cook, just the comedian Dane Cook rips off poorly

CK introduced
"non contributing zero" to my vernacular, for which I am eternally grateful, and with which I describe many, many commenters

"They teach you how to control you pee in yoga?"

I don't have TV right now…
…does anyone know where I can find episodes online without waiting 9 fucking days before FX posts them on their site? I still haven't seen the last episode let alone this one.

So a burned out old hippie and a black dwarf die, they go see St Peter at the pearly gates, and St Peter says…

You should start watching P&R for a lot of reasons

I'm the firstborn. I'm sick of playing second fiddle. I'm always third in line for everything. I'm tired of finishing fourth. Being the fifth wheel. There are six things I'm mad about, and I'm taking over. …

They already topped season one, in season 2