The Juggernaut Bitch

Tides? Yeah, those are pretty easily explained.


So you are, in fact, *that* bald?

It wouldn't be hard… this place has less people than the city of Seattle.

This is true.

Bran is the least-actiony of the all-talky characters in the books. Less so, even, than Rickon.

I know, right? It's never, "Hey, Juggz, how ya been?" it's always "Juggernaut! DESTROYYY EEeeeet!!" and I'm like, "what the shit? Whatevah…best have my money when this is over, bitch" and just kinda go for a jog and make the Kool-Aid Man look like a little bitch.

Hey,now, let's be fair… it's only going too far if she did not specifically ask you to hit her first. And if she did, it's just kinky.

Only in that you don't have fingers, being a horse and all.

Pretty sure there is a fair mix of dudettes in the bunch that also like titties.

Wouldn't it have been cheaper to go to seminary? Shit, you can become an ordained minister for like $10 over the internet.

Being a 9'5", 1900 pound supervillain ain't all that goddamn interesting, let me tell you. Motherfuckin' Evil Geniuses always wanting you to punch open a bank vault or some shit because these jackoffs can't get funding for their death-ray or whatever bullshit they want.

Uh, actually, suicide *is* kind of cool, alternative, and edgy. Even fucking Shakespeare thought so.

It's been unavoidable for me, I think because I "liked" something vaguely TWD related on FB once, and now I get this shit all over my feed.

That's kind of the point of such "easter eggs". It establishes a shared continuity.

Goddammit, Dik… Paheal? On AV Club? Fer fuck's sake…

You would be surprised.

Except the Pixar movies deliberately include references to their other films.

They deserve no better.