The Juggernaut Bitch

Davros is in jail and will remain there for a long time, and may or may not have his head shipped to some guy in a box.

She doesn't exactly *steal* the Unsullied.  Simply that the guy selling them to her was not exactly prepared for her coin.

You do realize that some of the AV Club's readers are, like, 15, right?  They've probably never heard of Russ Meyer or "Faster, Pussycat, Kill! Kill!"  It doesn't hurt the author to point out what the product's referencing for those readers who might simply otherwise not "get" it.

Yeah, but they made bank by doing this exact shit on camera.  We really don't need to financially incentivize the act of being a fucking idiot.

Doesn't matter, a bullet doesn't have the mass to throw you back 20 feet when you get hit by one.  It won't even throw you 5 feet.  Blame Newton and his laws of physics.

Catapults.  It's got giant, iron balls, but once it fires, it takes a long time for it to be ready again.

Yeah, three dogs on a yellow field is the sigil of House Clegane.

You can always download S1E1 and keep it playing on loop.  If you are an Advanced User, you can even splice out the relevant frames and keep *those* playing on loop.

Problem is… Jon is part of the Night's Watch.  He can hold no titles, own no land, and father no sons.

Ned and Cat always struck me as "older parents", actually.  Given the duration of the Rebellion, the ages of their oldest children, and Ned's general fuddy-duddyness.

I don't really get much of a warm vibe between her and Sansa.  Seems to me that she's using Sansa as a cover, to explain why she's in the castle at all, covering for her and Tyrion.  The whole thing at the docks in Ep1 kinda sealed it for me.  Last season, her showing off of the knife on her leg was, to me, less

Spoiler: It is known that Lannisters do not, in fact, shit gold.

If you've ever paid attention to traditional Irish folk songs, you realize there's only a grand total of, like, 24 songs, each one being re-sung in 47 regional variations, giving the illusion of a massive body of work…

Selmy's reputation was solidly established in S1.  Every time he was on-screen, someone was commenting about how much of a badass he was.  Even Ned Stark points out "My wife is quite happy that you and I have never come face-to-face on the field of battle" or some such thing that implies even Ned Stark would not step

While holding a sword properly is one thing, when it comes to fighting in a "Western" style… that is, in the style of a heavily-armored knight wielding a ten-plus-pound bar of steel… you rely less on finesse and more on strength and weight of swing.

Though, again… she's a child, with a child's strength.  Even toying with her, one good downward strike, that he lets her block, is going to hurt like hell, and, since we know she's a smart kid, she's going to realize that she's woefully out-classed by this guy.  Probably better to give up early, before he decides to

She's twelve.  He is a man who has made a business of killing other men with sharp bits of metal.  I like Arya, but she was so, so, so outclassed going into that.  A couple months of training by a master fencer does not make one ready to deal with an experienced butcher of men.

Loras is also a knight, and won King Robert's jousting tourney last year, a man who was king and whom Joffrey still believes was his father.  There are protocols of noble civility to observe.  Also, he was meeting his new future queen, and it would have been improper for her to show up at the King's table without an

She has a hero-worship of Loras, as she was cheering for him during the tournament in S1.  I'm pretty sure she's still too naive to think about it more than that, and, I'm also sure, is too naive to understand what "playing for the other team" means IRT Ser Loras Tyrell.

Arya, as much as I like the character, is a twelve year old girl who *might* weigh in at 100 pounds.  Maybe.  Fully dressed, soaking wet.